Sergiu George

Job Wanted
Filled / Expired

Freelance SEO Consultant

Work Location
Remote Worldwide
Desired Salary
5-10 yrs
Job Type
Date Posted
March 27, 2024


I work on web-analytics, content strategy, onpage optimisation, technical optimisation, link-building, UX and Data-visualisation. Winner of the 2015 Drum Awards SEO Campaign of the Year.


Career History

My initiation into SEO started with a digital marketing blog back in 2014 that turned into a university thesis and then into a full-time career. Over the last decade, I’ve worked on both agency and client-side SEO roles in London, Berlin and Amsterdam.


What Are You Looking For in Your Next Role?

My SEO Consulting Process

Despite popular belief, not all websites can greatly benefit from SEO input. As it happens, some websites serve a market which is difficult to reach through organic search, while others are not yet at the point in their development where SEO makes sense. So, before choosing any of the SEO packages, a preliminary check of the website will be carried out free of charge in order to determine if your website is eligible for SEO work or if your money is better spent on other channels.

Keyword Research
  1. Keyword Discovery: Employing a handful of main target keywords to expand the list to all possible keyword variations (short or long-tail) to target in the future. Can be market-specific or cross-markets. Can be limited to evergreen keywords.
  2. Search Intent Identification and Selection: Specifying the Search Intent of each identified keyword and providing directions on how to match the content with the search intent.
  3. Longtail Keyword Strategy (for SMEs and low-authority websites): Identifying your customers’ topics of interest to target with niche product landing pages and blog posts, all based on your industry and a select number of head terms.
  4. Competitor Keyword Research: Identifying all organically ranking keywords of your competitors to include in the keyword research.
  5. Keyword Clustering and Mapping: Grouping keyword variations together and assigning a landing page to each group.

Onpage Optimisation*

  1. Optimisation of Key Onpage Elements: Optimisation of key onpage elements such as page titles, meta descriptions, page URLs (slug), and onpage headers.
  2. Optimisation of URL Structure: Troubleshooting and optimisation of website taxonomy (permalinks settings), improper use of symbols in URLs, SSL encryption (migration to https), verifying the canonical domain, subdomain to subfolder migration, preventing automatically-generated duplicated pages.
  3. Internal Linking Optimisation: Reviewing all internal links across the website (nav, in-content & footer), with account to crawl depth, and anchor text relevancy. Spotting and fixing orphan pages. Homepage internal linking optimisation.
  4. Image Optimisation: Visual assessment of image uniqueness and originality*, assessing if any text is present as an image, properly naming and describing images (i.e. file names, titles, alt tags, longdesc, specifying which images should be png, jpeg, gif or svg (webP optional) for optimal quality and loading speeds. Testing image resolution for Retina displays. Using responsive images, enabling lazy loading. Creating image sitemaps. Proper Image attribution (CC)*, if needed. Specifying OpenGraph for Social Media. Flagging Broken Images, if any.

Technical Audits

Carrying out a standardised Technical SEO Audit processing over 300 common optimization checks. All checks are prioritised based on potential impact. Every issue has detailed explanations and how-to-fix info. Every issue is linked to affected URLs. Technical Audits require input from developers and additional validation checks are possible after the implementation. The Technical Audit also contains an Indexation Audit which accounts for its most important part and includes the following aspects:

  1. Flagging all 404 issues (hard and soft)
  2. Rewiring all redirects with wrongfully assigned code (i.e. 302 to 301). Fixing redirects chains and loops and broken redirects.
  3. Auditing all canonical tags
  4. Auditing all indexable vs non-indexable pages. Aligning the results with sitemaps and robots.txt.
  5. Providing recommendations for select optimisations of all non-indexed pages due to duplication or thin content to facilitate reindexing.
  6. Ensuring only https pages are indexed (not http)

Content Audit and Strategy

  1. The scope of the Content Strategy is defined by thorough Keyword Research. Considers the customer decision-making funnel (AIDA model).
  2. Prioritised Topic Selection and Detailed Content Briefs: Title, Headers, Intro & Conclusions, Topic Angle Selection, Internal Linking.
  3. Considers Content Scaling and Repurposing opportunities outside of Organic Search.

SEO Tracking and Reporting

  1. Google Analytics: Setting up Google Analytics to monitor the performance across the entire website and from all the digital channels.
  2. Google Search Console: Setting up and monitoring Google Search Console to track the organic performance coming from Google along with an indexation across the website.
  3. Ahrefs Keyword Rank Tracking: Setting up Keyword Tracking in Ahrefs to follow the dynamics of the organic rankings in Google for the target keywords identified and selected at the Keyword Research stage.


Anything Else?


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