Roberto Torres

SEO Consultant

Work Location
Remote US
Desired Salary
$90k or $75/hr
3-5 yrs
Job Type
Full Time or Contractor
Date Posted
March 4, 2024
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My name is Roberto Torres, I am an experienced SEO Consultant skilled in optimizing web pages with keyword targeting and technical SEO. I do use a wide array of SEO software and services including Google Search Console, Ahrefs, KWFinder, Sitebulb, and SurferSEO. The tools enable me to conduct keyword research, competitive analysis, SERP analysis, and more to help me better understand the landscape for an effective SEO campaign.

Have collaborated with respected agencies and in-house marketing teams across different industries and a proven track record demonstrates my expertise.

Please visit my LinkedIn profile at

Warmest regards, 

Roberto Torres


Career History

With over 5 years of experience, his SEO experience includes working for reputable agencies in Massachusetts and Maryland. Since 2019, he has been freelancing, providing SEO and Marketing consulting services to Ecommerce companies and agencies. Notable SEO campaigns include: Muir-Way, Kringle Candle, MediTresse, and Western Mass Wildlife Removal.


What Are You Looking For in Your Next Role?

Roberto is actively seeking full-time remote employment opportunities in the US.


Anything Else?

Roberto has been featured as a guest on Woorank, LocaliQ, EditorNinja, ChurchMag, and Church Tech Today. In 2021 he published The Local Marketing Handbook: Five Fundamentals to Increase Business and Impact Community.

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